7 Best and Worst Foods For Braces

One of the most important aspects of wearing braces is to ensure that you maintain good oral hygiene during the course of treatment. For many adults and children, this poses a unique challenge. Clear braces in Lehigh Acres, FL, and traditional metal braces can make cleaning teeth thoroughly after meals difficult. But brushing and rinsing thoroughly will be much easier if you are more discerning with your food choices. Here are the seven best and worst foods for braces.

4 Worst Foods For Braces

The following foods are on this list, either because they can easily get stuck in the brackets or because there’s a higher chance they may damage braces.

  1. Chewing Gum

While this isn’t really a food, kids and adults wearing braces need to avoid it at all costs. No amount of chewing gum is acceptable during this time.

  1. Nuts

Some nuts are softer than others, but to be safe, it’s best to avoid them entirely.

  1. Sandwiches and bread

Biting into a sandwich forces the soft bread to get “smooshed” onto the brackets, and it’s very hard to get out. Even if you cut it into small bites and eat it with a fork, the bread can still get stuck onto molar brackets.

  1. Apples and other “bitable” fruits

Avoid biting into fruits with braces. The fruit’s peels and “meat” easily get stuck in the braces. If you peel the fruit and use your fingers to consume small bites, that’s okay.

3 Best Foods For Braces

The following three foods will simplify your oral hygiene while wearing braces.

  1. Soups and Stews

These are full of nutrition and less likely to stick in brackets.

  1. Jello

There’s a reason hospitals serve Jello; gelatin is good for your teeth and gums. It’s tasty and makes a great snack that doesn’t harm braces. Also, rice pudding, apple sauce, tapioca, and low-sugar puddings.

  1. Mashed potatoes

These are filled with Vitamin C and easy on braces.

Remember, you can eat other foods. This is just a partial list of the easiest foods for braces and ones to avoid. If you have questions about a particular food, contact your Lehigh Acres, FL orthodontist!